1000 pts or less
1001 - 2000 pts
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5001 pts & above

  > Decor

Pomegrante deseeder (3001)
[Out of Stock]

  • You can literally deseed not 1 but 2 pomegranates in less than 60 seconds with this innovative new deseeder!
  • This simple, yet effective piece of kitchenware is a must have.
  • Made from the highest quality materials, at an extremely affordable price, you can't go wrong with the 60 Second Pomegranate Deseeder.
  • Don't sacrifice the amazing taste and health benefits of eating pomegranates on a regular basis just because of the hassle.

[Out of Stock]

Price: $10.90
You Save: $6.00
* All currencies are in Canadian dollars. Prices listed are final.